Ron DeSantis living
46th US governor of Florida since 2019, lawyer, attorney, Republican politician, U.S. House of Representatives from 2013-2018, founder of the House Freedom Caucus, author of The Courage to Be Free
1978- (47)
Jake Sullivan living
US National Security Advisor to President Biden, political advisor, political strategist, politics, Democratic Party politician
1976- (49)
John Avlon living
Journalist, political commentator, politics, news anchor at CNN, editor-in-chief at the Daily Beast, author of Washington's Farewell, Wingnuts, Lincoln and the Fight for Peace, Independent Nation, owns a former Astor family duplex in New York City
1973- (52)
Kimberly Kagan living
Military war historian, researcher, founder of the Institute for the Study of War
1972- (53)
Antonio Weiss living
banker, financier, head of global investments at Lazard
1966- (59)
Christopher A. Wray living
Republican Party politician aka Chris Wray, US attorney, lawyer, director of the FBI since 2017, intelligence officer
1966- (59)
Buddy Fletcher living
Founder, chairman and CEO of Fletcher Asset Management, founder of the Fletcher Foundation, formerly at Bear Stearns, Kidder Peabody
1965- (60)
Steve Mnuchin living
77th US secretary of the treasury from 2017-2021, economist, real estate owner, director of Dune Capital International, previously with OneWest Bank, former banker at Goldman Sachs investments
1962- (63)
David Graeber
anthropologist, anarchist, political activist in the Occupy Wall Street or Occupy movement, author of Bullshit Jobs (2018), Debt the First 5000 Years (2011), The Dawn of Everything (2021), founder of the Museum of Care (David Graeber Institute)
1961-2020 (59)
Camille Paglia living
Social critic, academic, professor at the University of the Arts since 1984, feminist, feminism activist
1947- (78)
Stephen A. Schwarzman living
billionaire financier, hedge fund manager, partner at Lehman Brothers known for the merger sale of Tropicana, co-founder and CEO of Blackstone Group, bestselling author, What It Takes
1947- (78)
Douglas A. Warner III living
Chairman of J.P. Morgan & Co. from 1995-2000, previously at Morgan Guaranty Trust Company
1946- (79)
George W. Bush, Jr. living
43rd President of the United States from 2001-2009, politician aka Temporary
1946- (79)
Gene Siskel
TV presenter, movie critic, famous for Siskel & Ebert
1946-1999 (53)
Sir Andrew Crockett
General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) from 1994-2003, executive director at the Bank of England, formerly a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 1972-1989
1943-2012 (69)
David Gergen living
Political commentator, politics, publicist, public relations for the White House, founder of With Honor Action (With Honor Fund)
1942- (83)
Robert D. Putnam living
Harvard professor, political sociologist aka Robert Putnam, Robert D Putnam, political commentator, politics, author of American Grace
1941- (84)
Paul Bremer living
Alan Dershowitz living
Lawyer, attorney, professor at Harvard Law School from 1964-2013, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus in 1993
1938- (87)
Wilbur Ross living
Lobbyist, former billionaire, investment banker at WL Ross & Co., US Secretary of Commerce from 2017-2021, financier for Donald Trump and Resorts International, Rothschild & Co., sold WL Ross & Co. to Invesco for $275 million in 2006
1937- (88)
Carla A. Hills living
US Trade Representative, co-chair of the Council on Foreign Relations from 2007-2017, lawyer, chairman and CEO of Hills & Company, co-founder of Munger, Tolles, Hills & Rickershauser, politician, lobbyist, co-chair of Inter-American Dialogue, diplomat, US Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
1934- (91)
Stanley Milgram
Psychologist, pioneer in obedience psychology also known as the Milgram experiments (or Yale experiments), white lab coats, authority experiments, shock treatments
1933-1984 (51)
Samuel P. Huntington
American historian, academic scholar, advisor, professor, political scientist, author of political theory "The Clash of Civilizations", director of the Harvard Center of International Affairs, linked to PW Botha in the Apartheid of South Africa, coined the term the "Davos Men"
1927-2008 (81)
Maurice R. Greenberg living
Billionaire, financier, chairman of The Starr Foundation, former chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG), Starr Insurance Companies, vice-chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations
1925- (100)
McGeorge Bundy
U.S. National Security Advisor to JFK and LBJ
1919-1996 (77)
Kingman Brewster
US ambassador to the United Kingdom, diplomat, academic educator, 17th president of Yale University from 1963-1977
1919-1988 (69)
Joseph Payne Brennan
Acquisitions Assistant at the Sterling Memorial Library of Yale University, novelist, horror fiction writer, poet
1918-1990 (72)
José M.R. Delgado
Neuroscientist, researcher known for the stimoceiver chip, professor of neurophysiology, pioneer in mind control with electrical stimulation of the brain, author of Physical Control of The Mind in 1970
1915-2011 (96)
J. Howard Marshall
billionaire oil tycoon, business executive, lawyer, academic, entrepreneur, co-founder and 16% stakeholder of Koch Industries
1905-1995 (90)
John F. Enders
Biomedical scientist, virologist, microbiologist, pioneer in physiology and medicine, known as the father of modern vaccines
1897-1985 (88)
Prescott Bush living
US senator, politician, general partner at Brown Brothers Harriman, investment banker, VP and general partner at UBC (Union Banking Corporation), financier of Georgian Manganese Mining, Tesla's patents, director at Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC)
1895- (130)
William E. Boeing
Aviator, founder of The Boeing Company in 1916
1881-1956 (75)
J. Willard Gibbs
Scientist, chemist, theoretical physicist, inventor, co-discovery of thermodynamics
1839-1903 (64)
Daniel Coit Gilman
Educator, pioneer in postgraduate education, academic, co-founder of Sheffield Scientic School at Yale College, Skull & Bones Society at Yale, 2nd president of UC Berkeley, founding president of Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore), Carnegie Institution (Foundation)
1831-1908 (77)
William Huntington Russell
Businessman, co-founder of Yale's secret society Order of the Skull and Bones under the innocuous name of Russell Trust Association
1809-1885 (76)
Josiah Willard Gibbs
Linguist, theologian, father of Willard Gibbs, professor at Yale
1790-1861 (71)
Noah Webster
Lexicographer, grammar teacher, lecturer, creator of American Spelling Book in 1783, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language in 1806, and then the Websters dictionary in 1828, journalist, essayist on the Constitutional Convention, lobbyist
1758-1843 (85)
Richard A. Rothschild
Director of Litigation at the Western Center on Law & Poverty, patents holder for COVID tests
William Howard Taft
27th President of United States
Seyla Benhabib
Senior research scholar, adjunct professor of law at Columbia Law School
Stephen S. Roach
Economist, author of Unbalanced, former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia
Wendi Deng Murdoch
Movie producer, film producer aka Wendi Deng (Wendy Deng), media mogul, entrepreneur, investor, art collector of Chinese contemporary artworks, wife of Rupert Murdoch
Tony Forstmann
Financier, merchant banker, hedge fund manager, founding partner of Forstmann-Leff & Associates, one of the first hedge funds in the USA, founder of Forstmann Little, Forstmann and Co
William Stewart Halsted
Surgeon, professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins, baseball athlete
Teddy Forstmann
Billionaire financier, co-founder of Forstmann Little & Company, CEO of IMG Entertainment
Alexis McGill Johnson
President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, founder of the Culture Group, civil rights activist
Eli Whitney
Inventor of the cotton gin, during the economy of the Antebellum South
Ellen Bronfman Hauptman
Venture capitalist, investment banker, co-chair of Andell Inc., former sports team owner Chicago Fire FC from 2007-2019, co-founder of The Hauptman Family Foundation, The Charles Bronfman Prize
Guillermo Ortiz Martínez
Chairman of Per Jacobsson Foundation, partner at BTG Pactual, chairman at Grupo Financiero Banorte-IXE in 2015, governor of Banco de México from 1998-2009, director of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in 2009, treasurer for the Group of Thirty
Ralph Keeling
Professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, inventor of the inferometer measuring atmospheric oxygen, author of Gruesome Harvest
John C. Calhoun
statesman, politician, US secretary of the War of 1812, VP of the United States from 1825-1832
John M. Schiff
Investment banker, grandson of Jacob Schiff, US Federal Reserve, Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
Linda Rottenberg
founder & CEO of Endeavor Global (1997), venture capitalist aka La Chica Loca, entreprenur, crypto investor, co-founder and CEO of Endeavor Catalyst LP Funds, author of Crazy Is a Compliment, member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Samuel Morse
Portrait painter, geographer, inventor of Morse code in 1844, a useful transmission over telegraph
Naomi Wolf
Author of The Beauty Myth, Outrages, The End of America, feminist writer, journalist, feminism
Nick Rockefeller
Financier, co-founder of Global Agora, co-author of Economic Strategy and National Security
Paul Kennedy
Author of the Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, senior fellow at the Royal Society