King Constantine I, the Great

Holy Roman emperor from 306-337 AD, pioneer of "The Constantinopolitan Indiction" in Sept 1, 312 AD during the 15-year taxation cycle, adopted Christianity in 313 AD and was the 1st Christian Roman emperor who suppressed the faith of Zoroastrians, military commander at the Battle of Milvian Bridge, Council of Aries, Council of Nicea
272 AD-337 AD

Sabbatai Zevi

Sephardic rabbi, mystic, converted to Islam wearing a Fes/Fez (red cap) which today symbolizes the Masonic Order of Free and Accepted Masons of freemasonry (or freemasons), Satanic kabbalah/cabal (messianic) occultist in the Ottoman Empire, claimed to be the Jewish Messiah, founder of the Sabbatean Frankists (Shabbateans)
1626-1676 (50)

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