Saint John Chrysostom

Archibishop of Constantinople, Church Father interpreter, theologian, military officer, military veteran, religious leader of the Byzantine empire, writer of the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
347 AD-407 AD

Gemisthos Plethon

Byzantine scholar, Renaissance philosopher, pioneer in zoroastrianism, Greek scholarship in Western Europe
1355-1453 (98)

Harold W. Rosenthal

Diplomat, aide to US senator Jacob Javits, killed in a terrorist attack in Istanbul
1947-1976 (29)

Harold Wallace Rosenthal

Senior aide to US senator Jacob Javits, murdered in Turkey
1947-1976 (29)

Jamal Khashoggi

Socialite, nephew of Adnan Khashoggi, was brutally tortured/murdered in the "bone saw" case

Justin II, the Younger

Byzantine emperor (Eastern Roman emperor) from 565-578 AD, nephew of Justinian I (Justinian the Great)
520 AD-578 AD

Justinian II

Byzantine emperor (Eastern Roman empire) from 685-695 AD and 705-711 AD, ruler of the Heraclian dynasty
669 AD-711 AD

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Ottoman field marshal, revolutionary politician, statesman, 1st president of the Republic of Turkey from 1923-1938, nationalist known as the Kemalists
1881-1938 (57)

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