Benzion Netanyahu

Judaic historian of Spanish Jewry, scholar, author of Zionism Founding Fathers, father of Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu
1910-2012 (102)

Marie Curie

Scientist, physicist, chemist, inventor, discovery of Radium and Polonium, died of radiation, radioactivity, portable x-ray machine, Nobel Prize in Physics, Nobel Prize in Chemistry
1867-1934 (67)

Sigismund III Vasa of Poland

King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1587-1632, King of Sweden and Grand Duke of Finland from 1592-1599, House of Vasa
1566-1632 (66)

Solomon Asch

Social psychologist, pioneer of the Asch experiments (Asch paradigm) for group conformity experiments, group dynamics, peer pressure
1907-1996 (89)

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Politician aka Zbigniew Brzezinski, pioneer in techonotronics, mind control, US national security advisor for Jimmy Carter from 1977-1981, co-founder of Trilateral Commission, author of The Grand Chessboard, Between Two Ages, armed the Taliban in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets (Russians)
1928-2017 (89)

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