Elisabeth Farnese

Archduchess of Parma, queen consort of Spain from 1700-1746 via marriage to Philip V of Spain, daughter of Odoardo Farnese
1692-1766 (74)

Francesco Farnese

Duke of Parma and Piacenza from 1694-1727, nobleman and 7th Farnese duke of the region
1678-1727 (49)

Giovanni Agusta

Founder of Agusta Aerospace, aircrafts, helicopters

Marie Louise of Austria

empress of the French from 1810-1814 via Napoléon Bonaparte, duchess of Parma from 1814-1847
1791-1847 (56)

Ranuccio II Farnese

Duke of Parma and Píacenza from 1646-1694 (48 years), Duke of Castro from 1646-1649, House of Bourbon-Parma

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