Amerigo Vespucci

Merchant of the Republic of Florence, known for the discovery of the United States of America, navigator during the Age of Discovery, explorer, voyager between 1497-1504 for Spain and Portugal
1454-1512 (58)

Cosimo the Elder de' Medici

Lord of Florence from 1434-1464, politician aka Cosimo the Elder, merchant banker, textiles merchant, created the Platonic Academy in Florence

David Sassoli

President of the European Parliament, diplomat, politician
1956-2022 (66)


Late Gothic artist, painter of human figures in the late middle ages such as Lamentation, Flight into Egypt, Pentecost, Nativity, Crucifixion, Kiss of Judas, Adoration of the Magi, known as the Father of the Renaissance, architect
1267-1337 (70)

Giovanni Gentile

Philosopher of fascism for Benito Mussolini, writer, author, pioneer in actual idealism (actualism), Italian senator of the National Fascist Party from 1923-1943, politician, President of the Royal Academy of Italy from 1943-1944
1875-1944 (69)

Lorenzo de' Medici

Renaissance banker, statesman, House of Medici, ruler of the Florentine Republic
1449-1492 (43)

Lorenzo the Elder

Banker for the House of Medici, younger brother of Cosimo de Medici
1395-1440 (45)

Niccolò Machiavelli

Renaissance historian, humanist, diplomat, statesman, nationalist, politician, philosopher, hated the Venetian mercenaries, author of The Prince in 1513 and published in 1932
1469-1527 (58)

St. Philip Neri

Catholic priest, second Apostle of Rome many centuries after Saint Peter, founded the secular clergy called the Congregation of the Oratory
1515-1595 (80)

Stanisław Brzozowski

Marxist philosopher, writer, literary critic, publicist, pioneer in concepts of labor rooted in Marxism

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