
Jurist of Roman laws, he was called the Idol of the Jurisconsults for the organization of the glosses, for his codification of Justinian the Great's body of civil laws (Corpus Juris Civilis)
1182-1263 (81)

Alfieri Maserati

Automotive engineer, racing car manufacturer, race cars, founder of Maserati
1887-1932 (45)

Pope Gregory XIII

Catholic priest, theologian, head of the Catholic church and canon law ruler of the Papal States from 1572-1585, inventor, famous for introducing the Gregorian calendar in October 1582 to replace the Julian calendar (of Julius Caesar) by 1583 with the addition of 10 days, and an extra day every century (100 years), founder of Gregorian University, drafted a list from cardinals and ecclesiastics called Index Librorum Prohibitorum ("Index of Forbidden Books")
1502-1585 (83)

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