King Edward IV

King of England from 1461-1470 and 1471-1483, known for the War of the Roses between York and Lancaster
1442-1483 (41)

Empress Matilda (Maude)

Anarchy and civil war with King Stephen, daughter of King Henry I of England, her son was Henry II
1102-1167 (65)

William Longsword

Duke of Normandy, 2nd King of Normandy from 927-942 AD, assassinated
893 AD-942 AD

William I of Normandy, William the Conqueror

Duke of Normandy from 1035-1087, William I of Normandy (Norse Vikings, the Normans) invaded and took over England in 1066, Duke of Normandy, was the first Norman King of England after the Wessex dynasty started in 802 AD, his mother was Herleva and father King Robert I or Robert the Magnificient

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