Jean le Rond d'Alembert

mathematician, physicist known for the D'Alembert formula of waves, philosopher, co-editor of the Encyclopédie (of Enlightenment) with Denis Diderot
1717-1783 (66)

Alice Charlotte de Rothschild

Socialite aka Miss Alice
1847-1922 (75)

Alphonse Rothschild

Vineyard owner, wines, art collector, financier, breeder of racehorses, philanthropist, heir of the Rothschild France family dynasty
1827-1905 (78)

Amschel Rothschild

Banker, executive chairman of Rothschild Asset Management, his father was Victor Rothschild
1955-1996 (41)

Anne-Marie Deschodt

Actress, writer, acting, actor
1938-2014 (76)

Antoine Lavoisier

Chemist, diets, discovery of metabolism, inventor, Law of Conservation of Mass, guillotined during the French Revolution
1743-1794 (51)

Arnaud de Puyfontaine living

Business executive, CEO of Vivendi since 2014, director at TIM
1964- (61)

Axel Dumas

Billionaire heir, CEO of Hermès

Étienne-Louis Boullée living

Neoclassical architect who is well known for designing the Hôtel Alexandre, Hôtel de Brunoy, Élysée Palace, author of Boullée & Vision Architecture
1728- (297)

Louis Braille

Inventor, educator, pioneer of the Braille reading and writing system for the blind and persons who are visually impaired.
1809-1852 (43)

Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Mathematician, polymath, polynomials, engineer, physicist
1789-1857 (68)

King Charles VI, the Victorious of France

King of France from 1422-1461, House of Valois
1403-1461 (58)

Christian Louboutin living

Fashion designer known for iconic red sole high heels, 24% owner of Exor, gay male, LGBTQ
1963- (62)

Christian Noyer living

Lawyer, attorney, naval officer, military veteran, honorary governor of the Banque de France, former chairman of the Bank of International Settlments
1950- (75)

Christine Lagarde living

President of the European Central Bank (ECB) since 2019, politician for The Republicans, attorney, lawyer, former managing director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) from 2011-2019
1956- (69)

Georges Clemenceau

Prime Minister of France from 1906-1909 and 1917-1920, statesman, politician
1841-1929 (88)

Coco Chanel

Fashion designer, businesswoman, founder of Chanel brand
1883-1971 (88)

Daniel Payseur

Crown Prince of France (disputed) who escaped to North Carolina allegedly adopted/smugged in a laundry basket by Dr. Naudin, Baron de Richemont, some claim he could be the real King Louis XVII (17th) after Young Louis XVII (17th) who died of tuberculosis
1785-1860 (75)

David Benyamine living

Professional poker player
1972- (53)

Denis Diderot

philosopher, pioneer of the Diderot Effect on consumption, art critic, academic writer, co-editor of the Encyclopédie for thoughts on the Enlightenment with Jean le Rond d'Alembert
1713-1784 (71)

Dimitri Rassam living

Film producer
1981- (44)

Dodi Fayed

Film producer, son of Mohamed Al-Fayed, partner of Princess Diana, died in a car crash in Paris with Lady Diana
1955-1997 (42)

Édouard de Rothschild

Businessman, aristocrat, financier, socialite
1868-1949 (81)

Prince Edward VIII

King Edward the 8th, King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Empire and Emperor of India, Duke of Windsor, playboy socialite, currency smuggler, thief, prostitutes, ruled for one year and forced to abdicate in 1936 for Queen Elizabeth II
1894-1972 (78)

Gustave Eiffel

civil engineer, architect designer of the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Maria Pia Bridge and whisky stills for Combier Distillery and Lucas Bols

Élie de Rothschild

Banker, financier, partner at Rothschild Frères, entrepreneur, winemaker at Château Lafite-Rothschild vineyards from 1946-1974
1917-2007 (90)

Émile-Maurice Hermès

Businessman, grandson of Thierry Hermes
1871-1951 (80)

Ferdinand Rothschild

Banker, art collector, UK MP, Liberal Party politician
1839-1898 (59)

François Heisbourg living

Senior Advisor for Europe at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, lobbyist, Special Advisor at Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique
1949- (76)

François Mitterrand

21st President of France from 1981-1995, politician
1916-1996 (80)

Frank Malina

rocket scientist, aerospace engineer, aeronautical engineer, painter, socialist, pioneer in jet propulsion, investigated by the FBI from 1942-1960, father of Roger Malina
1912-1981 (69)

Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi

Architect, sculptor, painter, designer of the Statue of Liberty ("Liberty Enlightening the World") for New York City
1834-1904 (70)

Gérard Louis-Dreyfus

Billionaire, businessman, chairman of Louis Dreyfus Energy Services, great grandson of the LDC founder Léopold Louis-Dreyfus, poet, chairman of the Poetry Society of America from 1998-2008, his daughter is Seinfeld actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus
1932-2016 (84)

Dr. Joseph Guillotin

Physician, politician, freemasonry, inventor of the Guillotine in 1789 for executions during the French Revolution
1738-1814 (76)

Gustave de Rothschild

Financier, in 1874 he built the Château de Laversine in Saint-Maximin, Oise, France
Baron Gustave de Rothschild

Gustave Le Bon

Revolutionary, pioneer in group psychology and the manipulation of crowds, family medicine doctor, polymath, author of The Crowd in 1895, The Psychology of Revolution in 1912
1841-1931 (90)

Guy de Rothschild

Art collector, horse breeder, thoroughbred racing, soldier, philanthropist, banker, financier, Rothschild Frères, Imerys
1909-2007 (98)

King Henry IV the Great of France

King of France from 1589-1610, King of Navarre from 1572-1610, House of Bourbon and the Capetian dynasty
1553-1610 (57)

Jacques Chirac

1932-2019 (87)

Jacques Derrida

Postmodern philosopher, Marxist communist, pioneer of deconstruction theory in semiotic analysis, phenomenology
1930-2004 (74)

James Mayer de Rothschild

Railroads magnate of Syndicate in France, industrialist, banker, financier, founder of the French branch of the Rothschild banking dynasty
1792-1868 (76)

Jean Baud

retailer, founder of Franprix (1958) grocery stores (sold to Groupe Casino), founder of Societe SA Leader Price Holding
1919-2012 (93)

Jean J. Lenoir

mechanical engineer aka Étienne Lenoir, inventor of the Lenoir cycle (1958) and Lenoir engine (1860), 2hp double-acting, electro-plating, pioneer in internal combustion engines that ran on illuminating gas
1822-1900 (78)

Jean-Louis Dumas

Billionaire businessman, former chairman and CEO of Hermès, son of Robert Dumas Hermes and Jacqueline Hermes

Jim Morrison

Bohemian vagabond musician, singer, lead vocalist for The Doors, poet, songwriter, his father was an admiral in the Gulf of Tonkin false flag attack
1943-1971 (28)

Jimmy Goldsmith

Financier, businessman, media tycoon, Movement for France party politician, controversial bagman for the Rothschilds
1933-1997 (64)

John Paul Jones (Navy)

Royal Navy, Continental Navy during the American Revolutionary War, one of the greatest naval commanders in US history, naval officer of the Ranger warship, military veteran
1747-1792 (45)

Jules Guesde

1845-1922 (77)

Jacques Lacan

Psychoanalyst, psychologist, psychiatrist, philosopher
1901-1981 (80)

King Louis X, the Quarrelsome

King of France from 1314-1316, King of Navarre from 1305-1316

King Louis XII

King of France from 1498-1515, King of Naples from 1501-1504, House of Habsburg, duc d'Orléans (Duke of Orléans), Duke of Milan after the Italian Wars
1462-1515 (53)

Louise Adélaïde de Bourbon

Remiremont Abbey nun, constructed the Hôtel de Mademoiselle de Condé (Hotel of the Countess/Governor) during the house of Bourbon Restoration
1757-1824 (67)

Madame de Pompadour

Socialite, leading mistress of King Louis XV from 1745-1751
1721-1764 (43)

Édouard Manet

Modernist painter, artist, L'Amazone de Face
1832-1883 (51)

Marie Louise d'Orléans

Queen of Spain from 1679-1689, first wife of King Charles II, daughter of Philippe of France, granddaughter of Louis XIII of France

Maxime Rodinson

Marxist sociologist, historian, philosopher, pioneer in socialism and socialist materialism (Marxism)
1915-2004 (89)

Michel Foucault

Philosopher, historian, writer, author of Discipline and Punish, political activist, literary critic, social theorist, panopticon social control
1926-1984 (58)

Michel Pébereau living

Businessman, banker, chairman and former CEO of Banque Nationale de Paris (BNP Paribas)
1942- (83)


Judge, lawyer, attorney, historian, political philosopher, author of Persian Letters, The Sprit of the Laws
1689-1755 (66)

Napoleon III

1st President of France from 1848-1852, politician, emperor of the French from 1852-1870
1808-1873 (65)

Nathaniel de Rothschild

Winemaker at Château Mouton Rothschild, businessman, banker, financier
1812-1870 (58)

Nazek Hariri

Billionaire heiress, widow, mom, mother of 5

Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot

engineer, mechanic, inventor of the steam-powered tractor in 1769
1725-1804 (79)

Nicholas Sarközy living

Prince of Andorra (and co-President of France) from 2007-2012
1955- (70)

Oliver François living

President & CEO of Fiat, Abarth and DS automobiles, automotive executive, CMO (chief marketing officer) for Stellantis since 2011
1961- (64)

Pamela Churchill Harriman

Winston Churchill's mother aka Pamela Churchill Harriman, Democratic Party diplomat, political activist, socialite, first wife of Randolph Churchill
1920-1997 (77)

Vilfredo Pareto

Neoclassical economist aka Vilfredo Pareto, polymath, educator at the Lausanne School, pioneer in elitism of elites, cause and effect, wealth and power distribution and the 80/20 rule, Pareto charts, Pareto principles
1848-1923 (75)

Philippe Bénacin

Chairman and CEO of Interparfums at Vivendi

Pierre Cardin

fashion designer
1922-2020 (98)

Pierre Lambert

Trotskyist leader, communist revolutionary, biographer, leader of the French Courant Communiste Internationaliste (Parti des Travailleurs)
1920-2008 (88)

Pierre Omidyar living

Billionaire, founder of eBay (which bought PayPal), software engineer, computer programmer, philanthropist, Omidyar Network
1967- (58)

Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Hermeneutic phenomenologist, phenomenological philosopher
1908-1961 (53)

Charlotte, Princess of Monaco

Duchess of Valentinois, Hereditary Princess of Monaco from 1922-1944, daughter of Louis II
1898-1977 (79)

Princess Diana

Princess of Wales aka Lady Diana, member of the British royal family, died in a car crash
1961-1997 (36)

Maximilien de Robespierre

Lawyer aka Maximilien de Robespierre, attorney, member of the Committee of Public Safety, Jacobin leader during the French Revolution
1758-1794 (36)

Rosalie Duthé

Noblewoman, the first "dumb blonde", madame aka Mademoiselle Duthe
1748-1830 (82)

Salomon James de Rothschild

Financier, investor, banker, socialite
1835-1864 (29)

Samuel Pisar

Holocaust survivor who spoke Russian, Hollywood tech lawyer, US attorney, stepfather of Tony Blinken, realist diplomat, pioneer of the transideological corporation, member of American Jewish Congress (AJC), friends with MI6 agent Robert Maxwell, author of Coexistence & Commerce (1970), Of Blood and Hope (1979)
1929-2015 (86)

Jean-Paul Sartre

Marxist philosopher, communist, pioneer in Existentialism
1905-1980 (75)

Simone de Beauvoir

gender theory, research studies, existentialist philosopher, writer, one of the most famous feminists of the 20th century, pioneer in womens liberation
1908-1986 (78)

Stefan Oelrich living

Pharmaceuticals director at Bayer since 2018
1968- (57)

Stéphane Mallarmé

Poet, writer, pioneer in modernism
1842-1898 (56)

Stéphane Roussel

CEO of Gameloft, previously at Xerox, Carrefour

Thierry Hermès

Fashion designer of horse saddles, early saddle bags, founder of Maison Hermès, the French handbags iconic luxury brand
1801-1878 (77)

Alexis de Tocqueville

Aristocrat aka Alexis de Tocqueville, diplomat, political scientist, political philosopher, sociology historian, Democracy in America, The Old Regime and the Revolution
1805-1859 (54)

Van Gogh

Painter, The Starry Night, artist, pioneer in post-impressionism
1853-1890 (37)

Victor Hugo

Poet, writer, novelist
1802-1885 (83)


Philosopher of criticism, liberalism, historian, writer, theologian of Chrisianity and the Catholic Church, critical thinking, best of all possible worlds
1694-1778 (84)

Yo-Yo Ma living

Cellist, cello musician
1955- (70)

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