
20th pope of Alexandria, Egypt at the Coptic Orthodox Church of Christians
-373 AD

Claudius Ptolemy of Alexandria

Astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, cartographer, inventor of Geography, diplomat, pioneer of the Ptolemaic system (Primum Mobile) or the Geocentric model of the universe (where the Earth is at the center of the Universe), author of Geographike hyphegesis ("Geography") in 150 AD
100 AD-186 AD


Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51-30 BC, her father was Ptolemy XII
69 BC-30 BC


Mathematician, polymath, known for the Sieve of Eratosthenes for locating prime numbers, geographer, astronomer, pioneer in light rays
276 BC-194 BC

Omar Sharif


Ptolemy I, the Savior (Soter)

Historian, academic scholar, founded the Great Library of Alexandria, military general, ruler of Ptolemaic kingdom of Egypt from 305-282 BC, childhood friend of Alexander the Great
367 BC-282 BC

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