Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg

Scientist, zoologist, biologist, geologist, paleontologist, father of the micropaleontology study of fossil microorganisms (geology)
1795-1876 (81)

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Mathematician aka Gottfried Leibniz, polymath, philosopher, pioneer in metaphysics and human understanding, diplomat, scientist, theologian, ethics, founder of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, political commentator, politics
1646-1716 (70)


Operant conditioning, Pavlovs dog

Richard Wagner

Composer of Götterdämmerung WWV 86D (Der Ring des Nibelungen / Twilight of the Gods) in 1874, polemicist, conductor, theatre director, died at Ca' Vendramin Calergi in Venice (today holds Casinò di Venezia / Casino of Venice)
1813-1883 (70)

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