Caroline Herschel

Real life Cinderella story, world's first paid woman astronomer, discovery of comets for King George III, sister of William Herschel
1750-1848 (98)

Ernst August of Hanover

Prince of Hanover, father of Prince Ernst August

King George I

King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1714-1727, Duchy and Electorate of Brunswick-Lüneburg (Hanover) of the Holy Roman Empire, established the Order of the Bath (aka Knights of the Bath) a chivalry honor in 1725, Georgian era from 1714-1837
1660-1727 (67)

Hannah Arendt

political philosopher, political theorist, pioneer in understanding totalitarianism, author of the Origins of Totalitarianism, The Human Condition, writer, Holocaust survivor
1906-1975 (69)

Karl Otto Pöhl

Economist, director of the European Central Bank (ECB), president and chairman of the German central bank (Bundesbank) council from 1980-1991, sports reporter
1929-2014 (85)

William Herschel

Astronomer, musician, pioneer in telescopes, discovery of the planet Uranus and the constellation Gemini in 1781
1738-1822 (84)

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