Susan Bennett

Voiceovers, keynote speaker, she's known as the voice of Apple Siri, formerly a backup singer for Roy Orbison and Burt Bacharach

a.k.a.Susan Alice Bennett
life1949- (75)
spouse(s)Rick Hinkle

Alex Osterwalder living

technologist, business consultant, keynote speaker, co-development of the Business Model Canvas (BMC)
1974- (50)

Bob Proctor

Self-help author, bestselling author of You Were Born Rich, Thoughts Are Things, The Art of Living, Change Your Paradigm, businessperson, keynote speaker, salesperson, founder of the Proctor Gallagher Institute
1934-2022 (88)

Dale Carnegie

Author of How to Win Friends and Influence People in 1936, writer, lecturer, educator, pioneer in self-improvement, sales coaching, corporate training, public speaking, interpersonal skills
1888-1955 (67)

David Cooper

Speaker, head of the Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity in Society

George McGovern


Dr. Lawrence Dunegan

Keynote speaker on The New Order of Barbarians: The New World System in 1969

Les Brown

Motivational speaker, radio DJ, author, politician

Peter Drucker

Marketer, executive coach, life coach, speaker, father of modern business consulting

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