RA Fisher

Statistician, mathematician

Adolf Hurwitz


Dr. Anatol Rapoport

Mathematician, psychologist, pioneer in mathematical biology, game theory, general systems theory, author of The Origins of Violence, Fights Games and Debates
1911-2007 (96)

Apollonius of Tyana

Mathematician aka Greek Jesus Christ, polymath, pioneer in neo-pythagoreanism, occultist philosopher
15 AD-97 AD

Thomas Bayes

Statistician, mathematician, mathematical stats, pioneer in probability theory, Bayesian statistics, stats, Bayesian models and Bayes' theorem, theologian, Presbyterian minister
1702-1761 (59)


Mathematician, literary, philosopher

Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Mathematician, polymath, polynomials, engineer, physicist
1789-1857 (68)

Chris Langan living

mathematician, pioneer in the ultimate reality of self-simulation and the theory of Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU), world's smartest man, highest ever recorded test score at between 195-220 IQ, horse rancher, bar bouncer in New York
1952- (73)

Sir Christopher Monckton living

Political strategist, journalist, public speaker, political commentator, politics, mathematician, inventor of Eternity puzzle
1952- (73)

Donald Davidson

Cartesian philosopher, mathematician
1917-2003 (86)

Edmund Husserl

Philosopher, mathematician, pioneer of phenomenology schools
1859-1938 (79)


Mathematician, polymath, known for the Sieve of Eratosthenes for locating prime numbers, geographer, astronomer, pioneer in light rays
276 BC-194 BC


Mathematician, inventor of geometry, pioneer in math propositions (or math problems), scientist, author of Elements of Geometry

Eugenio Barsanti

mathematician, inventor of the free-piston Barsanti-Matteuci engine

Felix Klein

Mathematician, group theory

Leonardo Fibonacci

Fibonacci sequence, author of Liber abaci (Book of the Abacus), famous mathematician of the Middle Ages
1170-1240 (70)

Francis Galton

father of eugenics & biometrics, polymath, inventor, cousin to Charles Darwin, anthropologist, in-breeding, psychologist, cartographer, geographer, meteorologist, statistician, polymath, sociologist

Gottlob Frege

Mathematician, logician, philosopher

Geoffrey Hinton living

mathematician, reseacher, winner of the Turing Award, known as the godfather of AI, computer scientist, cognitive psychologist, pioneer in artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks
1947- (78)

George Campbell

Geologist, polymath, statesman, 8th Duke of Argyll, Lord Privy Seal of the United Kingdom
1823-1900 (77)

Jakob Steiner

Mathematician, pioneer in geometry, Euclidean geometry, projective geometry, synthetic geometry
1796-1863 (67)

John Forbes Nash Jr.

Mathematician who developed the embedding theorem, pioneer in game theory, Nash equilibrium theory, algebraic geometry, differential geometry (differential equations)
1928-2015 (87)

John Greaves

Mathematician, astronomer

John Napier

mathematician, inventor of logarithms, landowner
1550-1617 (67)

John Nash

mathematician, pioneer in game theory and differential geometry, the film drama "A Beautiful Mind" was created and Russell Crowe played his character
1928-2015 (87)

John Wallis

Mathematician, inventor the ∞ infinity symbol in 1655

Kurt Gödel

Mathematician, logician, philosopher
1906-1978 (72)

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Mathematician aka Gottfried Leibniz, polymath, philosopher, pioneer in metaphysics and human understanding, diplomat, scientist, theologian, ethics, founder of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, political commentator, politics
1646-1716 (70)

Ludwig Wittgenstein

Philosopher, mathematician

Meton living

Athenian astronomer, engineer, mathematician, known for his Metonic moon cycle or 19-year lunisolar cycle (Attic calendar "summer solstice") introduced in 432 BC, pioneer in moon phases and eclipses
460 BC-

Omar Khayyam

Mathematician, astronomer, poet
1048-1131 (83)

Blaise Pascal

Mathematician, math prodigy, philosopher, scientist, engineer, inventor of the adding machine with automatic carry between digits, philosopher, which inspired the creators of the Pascal programming language for personal computers (PCs)
1623-1666 (43)

Paul du Bois-Reymond

1831-1889 (58)


Pythagorean theorm, mathematician, Stoic philosopher, ancient Greek philosopher, vegetarian against meat for food
570 BCE-490 BCE



Robert Fludd

Paracelsian physician, astrologer, cosmologist, mathematician, alchemy, scientific and occult interests, Qabalist, Rosicrucian apologist
1574-1637 (63)

Ronald Fisher

Evolutionary biologist, polymath, statistician

Satyendra Nath (S.N.) Bose

Physicist, mathematician, inventor, pioneer in the discovery of nuclear particles aka 'Boson'.

Marilyn vos Savant

Stanford-Binet test gave her an IQ of 228, polymath, the term "idiot savant" is coined after her because of the Guinness book of world records removing her in 1990

Shinichi Mochizuki

Mathematician, professor at Kyoto University for the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, solved the ABC Conjecture (one of math's greatest unsolved problems) with a 500-page solution in 2012

Theaetetus of Athens

Mathematician, pioneer in the theory of irrationals
417 BC-369 BC

Theodorus of Cyrene

Mathematician, philosopher

William Brouncker

Mathematician, pioneer of Brouncker's formula, 1st President of The Royal Society

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