Nick Bostrom
Philosopher, author of Superintelligence, professor at Oxford, futurist
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
physician, author, medical researcher, vitamins, nutritionist, biochemist, schizophrenia, vitamin C, vitamin B3
Albert D. Biderman
Psychologist, Chart of Coercion of 1956, pioneer in coercive methods psychology and enforcing compliance, co-author of The Manipulation of Human Behavior
1923-2003 (80)
Alton Chase
Author of Harvard and the Unabomber, A Mind for Murder, Playing God in Yellowstone, In a Dark Wood
Andreas Moritz
Naturopathic doctor, author of The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, Cancer Is Not a Disease
Andrew Loomis
Illustrator, visual artist, art instructor, educator, author
1892-1959 (67)
Art Bell
Radio broadcaster on Coast to Coast AM, author, paranormal activist
Arthur Conan Doyle
Physician, writer, author of the stories of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in 1887
1859-1930 (71)
Arthur Koestler
Author of The Thirteenth Tribe (about the Khazars and the Khazarian Empire)
Arthur Schlesinger Sr.
Progressive Era educator, progressivism, professor at Harvard University, pioneer in social and urban history
1888-1965 (77)
Barbara Tuchman
historian, Plulitzer Prize winning author of The Guns of August
Barry McWaters
Futurist, author of Conscious Evolution: Personal and Planetary Transformation
G. William Domhoff
Author of The Higher Circles, Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats, The Powers That Be, Who Rules America?
Brendon Burchard
Author, The Millionaire Messenger, online marketing, personal development
Byron Tully
Author of The Old Money Book, Old Money Style, Old Money New Woman
Charles Dudley Warner
Novelist, writer, co-author of The Gilded Age (with Mark Twain) in 1873
Charles S. Maier
Historian, author
Christina Oxenberg living
Christopher Lingle
Economist, professor of economics, author of The Rise and Decline of the Asian Century
W. Clement Stone
insurance broker, writer, co-author of Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
Clint Hill
CIA secret service agent for JFK's wife Jackie Kennedy, author of Mrs. Kennedy and Me
Daniel Defoe
Writer, author of Robinson Crusoe, A Journal of the Plague Year
Daniel "Dan" C. Dennett living
Philosopher, author of Consciousness Explained in 1991, atheist, pioneer in atheism
1942- (83)
David Graeber
anthropologist, anarchist, political activist in the Occupy Wall Street or Occupy movement, author of Bullshit Jobs (2018), Debt the First 5000 Years (2011), The Dawn of Everything (2021), founder of the Museum of Care (David Graeber Institute)
1961-2020 (59)
David McCullough
Author of The Johnstown Flood, The Great Bridge, biographer, writer at Sports Illustrated, writer and editor at United States Information Agency, then at American Heritage
David Osborne living
NY Times bestselling author of 7 books including Reinventing America's Schools, senior advisor to Al Gore, senior fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), author of The Price of Government (2004); The Reinventor's Fieldbook (2000), Banishing Bureaucracy (1997), Reinventing Government (1992), Laboratories of Democracy (1988)
1951- (74)
Des Griffin
Author of The Missing Dimension in World Affairs (as Michael J. Goy), The Fourth Reich of the Rich, conspiracy reseacher
Dora Russell
Co-author of The Prospects of Industrial Civilation, wife of Bertrand Russell
E. Michael Jones
Catholic author of The Slaughter of Cities, publisher of Culture Wars magazine
Emil Ludwig
Psychologist, poet, biography writer, author of Napoleon, Bismarck, William Hohenzollern, Goethe, The Son of Man, Lincoln, Hindenburg, Cleopatra, Roosevelt, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Beethoven, Othello
1881-1948 (67)
Ernest Hemingway
Journalist, author of The Sun Also Rises, The Old Man and the Sea, A Farewell to Arms
Étienne de La Boétie
Political theorist, philosopher, civil disobedience, author of the Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
Eustace Mullins
Political writer aka Eustache Mullins, poet, novelist, author of Secrets of the Federal Reserve Bank, The World Order, biographer, fired from the Library of Congress and had one of his books burned by Europe
F. Amadeo Giannini
author of Worlds Beyond the Poles
F. Scott Fitzgerlad
author of The Great Gatsby (1925)
1896-1940 (44)
Florence Littauer
Author of Silver Boxes, public speaker, religious Christian
1928-2020 (92)
F.O. Matthiessen
Educator, scholar, writer, author of American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman, Skull and Bones, commited suicide
Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam
Painter, writer, translator of the King James Bible, author of New Atlantis, rumored pen name (or ghost writer) of William Shakespeare, freemasonry, Freemasonic Order, Rosicrucians, attorney general, Lord Chancellor of England
1561-1626 (65)
L. Frank Baum
Christian Methodist populist aka L Frank Baum, author of childrens books, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
1856-1919 (63)
Chittenango, NY
Frederick Forsyth
Bestselling author of The Odessa File in 1972 about the German Nazi ratlines of ODESSA and Operation Paperclip
Gary Allen
Author of The Rockefeller File, None Dare Call It A Conspiracy
Gary J. Schmitt
Political activist, author of Silent Warfare, president of the New Citizenship Project, executive director of the Project for the New American Century from 1998-2005
Geoffrey Ingham
Sociologist, PhD, sociology, politicial commentator, author, The Nature of Money
Graham Allison
Political scientist, pioneer of the Thucydides Trap, author of Destined for War
Gregg Hurwitz
Author of Dark Horse, Orphan X
Greta Podleski
Author, food writer, Looneyspoons cookbooks, co-author and sister to Janet Podleski
Dr. Guido Preparata living
Criminologist, writer, author of Conjuring Hitler, The Ideology of Tyranny
1968- (57)
Harrison Livingstone living
Co-author of High Treason, expert on JFK assassination
1937- (88)
Biographer, pioneer in mysticism, author of Hieroglyphica (Egyptian hieroglyphs)
Ingersoll Lockwood
Lawyer, attorney, author of The Last President or 1900, and the childrens novel Baron Trumps Marvelous Underground Journey
1841-1918 (77)
Irving Fisher
Economist, supporter of the Chicago Plan, author of The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions in 1933
Isaac Asimov
Biochemist, author of Foundation, I Robot, writer, professor of biochemistry at Boston University
1920-1992 (72)
Isadore Sharp
Co-founder of Four Seasons luxury resorts, author of Four Seasons: The Story of a Business Philosophy
Jack Bernstein
Author of The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel
Jane Jacobs
Urban activist, urban planner, author of The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Janet Podleski
Author, food writer, Looneyspoons cookbooks, co-author and sister to Greta Podleski
Jeff Gates
author, designer, writer at The Nation
J.J. Goodwin
Translator, transcriber, writer, author of Karma Yoga transcribed by lectures of Swami Vivekananda
Joseph E. Stiglitz living
Economist, income inequality activist, writer, author
1943- (82)
John Bolton
Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security in the Bush administration, author, chickenhawk, warmonger, Neocon
John Little
Author of The Wisdom of Mike Mentzer: The Art, Science and Philosophy of a Bodybuilding Legend
John M. Matthews
Author of Magnetism, the Life Principle, and Hygiene, the Promoter of Health: With Mental Culture, Giving the Degree of the Phrenological Organs
John Steinbeck
Author of The Grapes of Wrath, Pulitzer Prize, Nobel Prize winner in 1962
Joseph Jacobs
Folklore scholar, writer, author
Joshua Cooper Ramo living
Author of The Seventh Sense, The Age of the Unthinkable, vice chairman and co-chief executive of Kissinger Associates
1968- (57)
Joyce Meyer living
religious Christian author, keynote speaker, founder of Joyce Meyer Industries
1943- (82)
Julia Thorne
Bestselling author, former wife of John Kerry
Roman emporer, Neoplatonic Hellenism, Julian the Apostate, philosopher, writer, author, son of Julius Constantius
Karl Polanyi
Economist, economic historian, writer, author, Origins of Our Time: The Great Transformation, anthropologist, historical sociologist, social philosopher
Ken Dychtwald, Ph.D. living
Author of Millenium, gerontologist, aging, psychologist, lecturer, speaker
1950- (75)
Leo Löwenthal
Sociologist, philosopher
1900-1993 (93)
Lewis Carroll
poet, mathematician, author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ("Alice in Wonderland"), Through the Looking Glass
1832-1898 (66)
Count Corti
Count of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, writer, author of A History of Smoking
Manly P. Hall
Author of The Secret Teachings of All Ages, lecturer, astrologer, freemasonic mystic, occultist, freemasonry, 33rd degree Freemason
Margaret Mead
Anthropologist, multiple marriages, divorces, aging, midlife crisis, speaker, author
1901-1978 (77)
Marie-Josée Kravis living
Businesswoman, philanthropist, married to Henry Kravis of KKR, author of Canada Has a Future
1949- (76)
Dr. Mark Epstein living
Brother of Jeffrey Epstein, psychotherapist, author of Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart, Advice Not Given
1953- (72)
Mark Twain
Playwright, screenplays, screenwriter, author, literary, the father of American literature, entrepreneur, publisher, lecturer
1835-1910 (75)
Max Horkheimer
Philosopher, co-author of The Dialectic of Enlightenment
Michael McKibben
Patents holder for social networking, founder & chairman of Leader Technologies, CIA whistleblower, co-author of Trump This