Mick Flick

Art collector, founder of the Friedrich Christian Flick Collection, grandson of industrialist Friedrich Flick, son of Otto-Ernst Flick

a.k.a.Friedrich Christian "Mick" Flick
life1944- (80)
spouse(s)Maya von Schoenburg

David Nahmad living

Billionaire, art collector
1947- (77)

Eileen Guggenheim

art curator, art collector, head of the New York Academy of Art

Esther Grether living

Billionaire, art collector, socialite, businesswoman, heiress to Swatch family dynasty
1936- (88)

Eugenio López Alonso

Art collector at Museo Jumex, heir to Grupo Jumex juice family dynasty

Philip Niarchos living

Billionaire, art collector
1953- (71)

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