Arnold Rothstein

crime boss aka The Brain, gangster, mob boss, mobster, illegal gambling, racketeering, conspired to fix the 1919 World Series, murdered in 1928

life1882-1928 (46)
spouse(s)Carolyn Greene

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

Terrorist leader of ISIS/ISIL
1971-2019 (48)

Abū Muṣʻab al-Zarqāwī

Iraq War series of bombings and beheadings, jihadist, terrorist in Afghanistan
1966-2006 (40)

Adolf Eichmann

captured prisoner

Al Capone

Prohibition era booze smuggler with Unione Siciliana, gangster aka Scarface, bank robber, mobster, bodyguard for Johnny Torrio, crime boss of the Chicago Outfit from 1925-1931, convicted and sent to federal prison at 33 years old for prostitution and tax evasion, died of a stroke and heart attack
1899-1947 (48)

Allen Stanford

Ponzi scheme, money laundering billionaire had $7 Billion in Stanford Financial Group and was sentenced to 110 years in prison

Andrew Berwick

Norway shooter, domestic terrorist, Oslo car bombing in 2011, Utøya‎

Andy Fastow

financier, infamous for the Enron scandal

Audrey Hale

transgender mass shooter aka The Trans Killer, Aiden Hale, largest mass shooting in Tennessee history at a Christian Covenant School in Nashville killing six (6) people

Barry Seal

Pilot, drug smuggler for the Medellín Cartel, also known as Iran–Contra affair
1939-1986 (47)

Baruch Goldstein

military physician, medical doctor, mass murderer known for the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre in Hebron in 1994
1956-1994 (38)

Bernie Madoff

Financier, billionaire fraudster, ran the largest Ponzi scheme in the history of the United States at $64.8 Billion, former chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange
1938-2021 (83)

Bettino Craxi

Red Brigades were the kidnapers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier

Black Bart



Pirate, Flag of Blackbeard 1718 No Quarter No Mercy


assassinated Julius Caesar

BTK Stranger

Serial killer aka BTK Killer, BTK Strangler, serial murderer

Bugsy Siegel

Chicago mafia mob boss, mobster in the Bugs & Meyer Mob, bootlegging gangster, hitman muscle behind Murder, Inc., crime boss for the National Crime Syndicate, real estate developer of Las Vegas casinos, Flamingo, hotelier, helped Billy Wilkerson with the Flamingo Hotel (1946), the Dunes, the Riviera, the Tropicana, assassinated in Beverly Hills
1906-1947 (41)

Carlo Gambino

Mob boss, crime boss, head of the Gambino crime family, one of the Five Families of the American Mafia

Carlos Marcello

Mafia gangster, mafioso, criminal boss, crime boss, mob boss, crime family

Carol Elizabeth Howe

FBI whistleblower for the Oklahoma City Bombing, National Socialist Alliance of Oklahoma, former informant for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)


helped Brutus to assassinate Julius Caesar

Charles Ingram

Reality TV star, infamous for cheating on the game show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Charles Manson

serial killer known for the Hollywood Manson murders, racist, accelerationist

Charles Ponzi

inventor of the Ponzi scheme, financial scammer, grifter, con artist
1882-1949 (67)

Charlie Javice living

founder of Frank (2023) a student financial aid software to assist with loan applications, indicted on bank fraud charges based on the sale for $175 million to JPMorgan Chase and released with bail conditions, tech entrepreneur in microfinance, founder of Poverup, Frank for federal student loans, scam artist in micro loans, fraudster, artificially inflated customer accounts to sell to JPMorgan Chase
1993- (32)

Charlotte Lindström living

Promotional model, fashion model, waitress, drug queen via marriage to Steven Spaliviero
1984- (41)

Clare Bronfman

Billionaire heiress, NXIVM (or "nexium") occultist, mobster, convicted felon

Daniel Spiegelman

Book thief who stole $1.8 million in rare books from Columbia University's Butler Library, he told the Dutch authorities that he was a financier of the Oklahoma City bombing

Danilo Blandón

Drug dealer, drug trafficker

Edmund Kemper living

Serial killer aka The Co-Ed Killer, The Co-Ed Butcher, necrophilic, cannibalism
1948- (77)

Edward Garrick living

Wigmakers apprentice, instigator in the Boston Massacre of 1770
1757- (268)

El Chapo

Mobster, gangster, drug lord, druglord, narco

Elizabeth Holmes

founder of Theranos, biotech entrepreneur, convicted of criminal fraud, sentenced to prison for 11 years

Estibaliz Carranza

seductive ice cream killer

Frank Abagnale

fake co-pilot, known for forgery and being an imposter, he was the inspiration for the "Catch Me If You Can" movie starring Leo Di Caprio

Frank Cali


Frank Costello

Mafia gangster, mafioso, horse racing fixer, criminal boss, crime boss, mob boss, crime family

Frank Lorenzo living

businessman, director at Continental Airlines and Texas International Airlines from 1972-1990, notable union buster through airline deregulation, author of Flying for Peanuts
1940- (85)

Frank Sturgis

Milita member for Fidel Castro, known for Watergate burglary, Bay of Pigs
1924-1993 (69)

George Jung

Drug trafficker, mafia gangster, drug dealer aka the Cocaine Cowboy

Gérald Marie living

talent management super agent for Elite Paris modeling agency, married supermodel Linda Evangelista, accused by many models of rape and sexual harassment
1950- (75)

Giuseppe Mazzini

Action Party politician, journalist, political activist, Marxist communist, founder of Young Italy (La Giovine Italia) in 1831, mobster, early godfather of the Italian mafia
1805-1872 (67)

Giuseppe Morello

Italian mafia, crime boss, godfather of the Genovese crime family, mobster, gangster

Harry Greenberg

Mobster, gangster

Hassan-i Sabbah

Shi'i Muslim leader of Shia Nizari Ismaili state at the Alamut Castle in 1090 AD, founder of the Shia Order of Hashashins (assassins)

Helen Hadsell

most winning contestant aka Helene Hadsell, the contest queen, pioneer of Wish Craft positive thinking workshops, the SPEC method (like The Secret), self-help guru, marketer, evangelist of the Silva Method or technique for winning contests, author of The Name it and Claim it Game: With Wineuvers for Wishcraft
1924-2010 (86)

The Iceman (Richard Kuklinski)

Hitman who ran a buglary ring, gangster, pornography film distributor, serial killer, murderer between 1980-1984, put arsenic in a spray bottle and killed gay people in a nightclub

Irina Dilkinska

crypto lawyer, attorney for OneCoin, fraudster who helped scam $4 Billion in Bitcoin from investors

Ivan Boesky living

Stock trader, junk bonds arbitrageur, paid a $100 million fine penalty to the SEC, busted in 1987 for insider trading scandal which inspired Gordon Gekko of the Wall Street movie fame
1937- (88)

Jack Nicholas Pritzker

businessman, godfather of the Pritzker mafia-connected family

Jack Ruby

Singapore Supper Club (Silver Spur Club) nightclub owner aka Sparky, Mossad spy with ties to the Jewish mafia, The Warren Commission found him guilty of murder with malice after he killed Lee Harvey Oswald (1963) his death penalty sentence was overturned in 1966 by the State of Texas, died of cancer and pulmonary embolism
1911-1967 (56)

Jack the Ripper

Prostitute murders in 1888, psychopathic homicidal maniac, tried to bite his own mothers face, one of the most famous serial killers in history

James Bruce

Treasure hunter, missionary, he stole the Book of Enoch

James Holmes

Serial killer, mass murders, neuroscientist, member of Phi Beta Kappa

Jeanne Carmen

blonde glamour model, golfer, burlesque dancer, pinup girl in men's magazines like Beauty Parade, Titter, Wink

Jeffrey Dahmer

serial killer aka the Milwaukee Cannibal, Milwaukee Monster, sex offender, created in the Phoenix programme on MK-Ultra

Jeffrey Epstein

Wall Street financier at Bear Stearns, advisor to Leslie Wexner (Limited Brands) from 1986-1991, owner of the 1953 Trust, banker, mathematician, math teacher, con artist, convicted for sex trafficking ring known as Little St James Island aka Pedo Island (Epstein Island), arrested for running a sex blackmail ring and jailed before being strangled to death in prison (or "died by suicide"), Mossad intelligence officer, jet owner of the Lolita Express
1953-2019 (66)

Jesse James

Little Dixie gangster, mobster, train robber outlaw, owner of United Verde mine, revolutionary, fired the first shot at Fort Sumter, shot by Bob Ford in 1882
1847-1882 (35)

Jimmy Zhong

Bitcoin billionaire, crypto heist, mobster, fraudster

Joe Bananas

Crime boss aka Joseph Bonanno, mafia boss from 1931-1968, one of the Five Families of the American Mafia, started as the Maranzano crime family

Joe Cerrito

Crime boss aka the Don of Silicon Valley, mobster, gangster of the San Jose crime family
1911-1978 (67)

"Bootlegger" Joe Kennedy

Politician aka Bootlegger Joe, lawyer, attorney, US ambassador to the United Kingdom, diplomat, businessman, investor, general manager of Bethlehem Steel, bootlegging during prohibition

Joe Valachi

Mobster, gangster, Genovese crime family member of the Italian-American Mafia, member of and coined the term Cosa Nostra

John Dillinger

Gangster, mobster, notorious bank robber who stole from 24 banks and 4 police stations, shot and killed in Chicago
1903-1934 (31)

John Gotti

Crime boss, mafioso
1940-2002 (62)

John Hinckley Jr.

Criminal who attempted the assassination of US President Ronald Reagan on March 30th, 1981

John Kiriamiti living

Bank robber, writer, author of My Life in Crime
1950- (75)

John Wilkes Booth

assassinated Abraham Lincoln

Johnny Rosselli

Chicago Outfit mobster, liason of Al Capone in Los Angeles who scammed rich golfers with Jeanne Carmen

Jon Montroll

Founder of BitFunder, WeExchange (Ukyo), defrauded investors out of their Bitcoins

Joseph Bonanno

Mafia boss, author, A Man of Honor

Joseph Cohen

Taxi driver, faked being an operative for the al-Queda terrorists

Joseph Colombo

Crime boss, mobster, gangster, one of the Five Families of the American Mafia

Kat Torres living

sugar baby, escort, author of A Voz, owner of Menkin e-Equipe life coaching, exotic dancer aka Brazil or Chanel, lingerie model, swimwear model, fashion model, life coaching, busty blondes, social media influencer, fake guru, cult leader of The Witch Clan, narcisstic master manipulator, spy, intelligence officer, magician accused of witchcraft, exorcisms, Tarot readings, sexual exploitation, sentenced to 8 years in prison for modern slavery, human trafficking and sex trafficking
1992- (33)

Kenneth Lay

Founder, chairman and CEO of Enron, charged in the Enron scandal

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed living

Islamist militant/terrorist held at US Guantanamo Bay (Cuba) detention camp since 2003 under charges of terrorism, as the principal architect of 9/11
1964- (61)

Kim Dotcom

Internet entrepreneur, pioneer in cloud computing, founder of Mega Upload

Lance Thomas

watchmaker, watch dealer, hero vigilante who has killed five robbers since 1989

Larry L. Hillblom

recluse businessman, entrepreneur, co-founder of DHL Worldwide Express, pioneer in air courier delivery, eccentric lawyer, criminal predator, noted pedophile of young asian prostitutes, former billionaire who died in a plane crash in the Pacific Ocean
1943-1995 (52)

Lefty Rosenthal

Jewish mafia gangster

Leo Frank

Jew who was lynched after being convicted for the rape of Mary Phagan a 13-year old minor and employee at his pencil company, sexual pervert who died by hanging after his sentence was commuted with interference and hypocrisy, Ronald Reagan granted him a posthumous pardon

Leslie H. Wexner living

billionaire founder of the Mega Group aka Leslie Wexner, chairman and former CEO of L Brands (Limited Brands) which owns Abercrombie & Fitch, Victorias Secret, Bath & Bodyworks since 1963, director at Banc One from 1986-1991, his financial advisor was Jeffrey Epstein in 1986
1937- (88)

Lewis Rosenstiel

Liquor bootlegger aka the Bad Boy of Bourbon, founder of Schenley Industries, philanthropist
1891-1976 (85)

Saint Longinus

The Holy Lance, the Spear of Destiny, the lance that shanked Jesus Christ while on the cross

Lorenzo Mannino


Louis Lepke

Mobster aka Louis Buchalter, mafia labor racketeering in New York City, member of the hit squad Murder, Inc.

Charles "Lucky" Luciano

Crime gangster for the National Crime Syndicate, mobster, SS Normandie, CIA intelligence officer, narcotics

Luis Flores-Reyes

Founder of MS-13 gang in Mexico, mobster, gangster, House of Bourbon

Malik Faisal Akram

Terrorist of the Muslim Brotherhood, hostage taker at Texas synagogue

Marc Dutroux

Serial killer, satanist, convicted for child abuse and abduction of 5 children in the "Mothers of Darkness" case at the Château des Amerois (or the "Thousand Points of Light" satanic Belgian castle)

Meyer Lansky

mobster in the Jewish mafia, heroin drug dealer, illegal gambling rooms, crime gangster for the National Crime Syndicate, financier, known as the Mobs Accountant, pioneer in money laundering and offshore bank accounts
1902-1983 (81)

Michael Blutrich

Co-founder of Scores strip club in New York City, FBI informant, author, entrepreneur

Michael Madigan living

Democratic Party politician, former Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives between 1983-2021, mobster, leader of the Chicago mafia
1942- (83)

Mickey Cohen

Jewish mafia gangster, crime boss, mobster

Moe Dalitz

gangster, mobster, casino mogul known as Mr. Las Vegas, philanthropist
1899-1989 (90)

Molly Bloom

poker game runner

Mukhtar Malik


Nathan Leopold

Murderer who was arrested in 1924 and spent 33 years in prison for the "perfect crime", spoke 9 languages, apparently had an IQ of 200

Nav Sarao

computer scientist, quant, stock trader, day trading stocks, convicted of wire fraud charges

Nick Rizzuto Jr.

mobster, gangster

Nicolo Rizzuto

Crime boss, gangster, head of the Rizzutos crime family based out of Montreal

Osama Bin Laden

CIA intelligence officer, suspect in 9/11 attack on the WTC buildings

Owney Madden

prohibition era gangster aka The Killer, nightclub manager of the Cotton Club

Pat Musitano

Mobster, crime family

Patty Hearst living

media executive, editor, author, brainwashed newspaper heiress who helped her captors (kidnappers) rob several banks, victim of the 1974 kidnapping by the Symbionese Liberation Army, one of the most infamous cases of Stockholm syndrome, granddaughter of William Randolph Hearst
1954- (71)

Paul Bernardo

kidnapper, sexual offender with his wife Karla Homolka (The Witch of Ontario), serial rapist and killer aka the Scarborough Rapist, Schoolgirl Killer, Ken and Barbie Killers, charismatic, narcissistic, dismissive psychopath, caught in 1993 and sentenced in 1995 for 25 years

Paul Castellano

Crime boss, gangster, mobster, mafia, The Howard Hughes of the Mob

Paul Ricca

Chicago Outfit, Chicago national crime syndicate, convicted of murder, extortion, tax evasion
1897-1972 (75)

Philip J. Baker

hedge fund manager, managing director of the Lake Shore Group of Companies, sponsored a sailing crew, convicted of fraud for misappropriation of funds

Queen Romana

Political activist, infamous claims to the real Queen of Canada, arrested and charged with domestic terrorism

Rajat Gupta


Ramesh Balwani living

President and COO of Theranos aka Sunny Balwani, sentenced to 13 years in prison for fraud
1965- (60)

Richard Ramirez

Serial killer aka the Night Stalker, burglar, kidnapper, rapist, molester, murderer, convicted in 1989
1960-2013 (53)

Rishi Shah

Co-Founder & CEO of Outcome Health (now PatientPoint), indicted and charged with defrauding investors, mail fraud, bank fraud

Robert Chambers

Preppy Killer, he assaulted and killed a woman in Central Park

Robert Pickton

farmer aka Robert Picton the Butcher, Pig Farmer Killer, one of the most profilic serial killers in Canadian history, up to 170 people might have been murdered on his pig farm
1949-2024 (75)

Ross Ulbricht

Founder of the Silk Road, known as Dread Pirate Roberts, convicted for trafficking narcotics

Rudy Kurniawan

Wine fraudster, wino, wine enthusiast, convicted for fake wines

Ruja Ignatova

Founder of OneCoin, crypto enthusiast aka Cryptoqueen, fraudster who helped scam $4 Billion in Bitcoin from investors

Salvatore Montagna

Crime boss aka Sal the Iron Worker of the Bonanno crime family, later the Rizzuto crime family
1971-2011 (40)

Sam "Gold" Giancana

mobster aka Sam Gold, Sam Momo, mafia gangster at the head of Chicago Outfit from 1957-1966, mafioso, underboss to Al Capone in Chicago's Little Italy
1908-1975 (67)

Santo Trafficante

mafia boss of South Florida, mobster, mob boss, gangster, mafioso, criminal boss, organized crime boss of the Trafficante crime family from 1930-1954, died of a heart attack
1886-1954 (68)

Santo Trafficante Jr.

mafia boss aka The Silent Don, shooter, crime gangster, mobster, mob boss, mafioso, criminal boss, organized crime boss of the Trafficante crime family from 1954-1987

Sara Bronfman

billionaire heiress, daughter of Edgar Bronfman Sr., leader, occultist at NXIVM (or "nexium")

Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) living

FTX was the head of a crypto ponzi scheme, founder and CEO of FTX crypto exchange aka SBF, democratic political activist investor, disgraced former crypto billionaire once worth $26 Billion who was charged for money laundering to Ukraine, former CEO and asset manager at Alameda Research, Jane Street, Tether, BA Physics from MIT, former stock trader at Jane Street, both of his parents are Standford lawyers
1992- (33)

Shradha Agarwal

Co-Founder & COO of Outcome Health (now PatientPoint), indicted and charged with defrauding investors, mail fraud, bank fraud

Sidney Korshak

mafia gangster, crime boss, mobster

Sirhan Sirhan living

Assassinated Robert F. Kennedy aka Bobby Kennedy (RFK), relgious Christian
1944- (81)

Stefano Delle Chiaie

Terrorist bomber in the Strage di Piazza Fontana bombing, arrested in Caracas (Venezuela), member of Ordine Nuovo, founder of Avanguardia Nazionale (National Vanguard), Lega nazionalpopolare

Stepan Bandera

Assassin, convicted of terrorism for the killing Bronisław Pieracki of Poland interior ministry in 1934, politician for the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B), died by assassination in 1959
1909-1959 (50)

Takashi Kotegawa

stock trader aka the Bedroom Trader, he turned $10K into $153 million intra-day trading stocks

Ted Bundy

Serial killer, kidnapper, raped and murdered 30 people from 1974-1978, sentenced to death in 1979 and then killed in the electric chair in 1989
1946-1989 (43)

Thomas Crooks

shooter who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump
2003-2024 (21)

Timothy McVeigh

Oklahoma City bomber

Tito Figliomeni

Mafia fugitive, mobster, crime boss


Explorer, crusader, pirate, plundered treasure at the Temple of Jerusalem in 70AD

Tommy Lucchese

mobster, gangster, godfather of the Lucchese crime family, one of the originals in the Five Families of the American Mafia

"Tough" Tony Spilotro

mobster aka The Ant, Tough Tony, organized crime boss in Chicago, hotelier of casinos in Las Vegas

Tyler Barriss

Video gamer, serving 20 years in prison for making hoax calls or swatting (SWOTing), prankster, prank calls

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